Representation of the citizen of the Republic of Latvia Pēteris Avotiņš before the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights
2015 - 04 - 07
Pēteris Avotiņš case is one of very few cases which have had ever been reviewed by the Grand Chamber of ECHR in oral hearing against Latvia. The office prepared request to refer the case to Grand Chamber of ECHR and was representing the client in oral hearing at the Grand Chamber on April 8, 2015. The case concerned the enforcement in Latvia of a judgment delivered in Cyprus with regard to the repayment of a debt. In the opinion of client Latvian courts unlawfully authorized the enforcement of the Cypriot judgment of 2004 which, in his opinion, was delivered in breach of his defense rights and was thus clearly unlawful. The case concerned very essential issues regarding level of protection of human rights within EU institutions and under Convention of the European Convention on Human Rights. The case has been reviewed by the Grand Chamber and final judgment is to be delivered in due time.