COBALT Estonia Labour Law Newsletter: whistleblowing channels for smaller employers

2025 - 02 - 18

After lengthy discussions, the Whistleblower Protection Act, which regulates the reporting of breaches of EU law in the workplace, came into force in autumn 2024. The act initially required employers with at least 250 employees to establish a dedicated reporting channel for employees to report, within their company, violations of EU law as listed in the act.

As of 1 January 2025, this obligation has been extended to smaller employers with 50 to 249 employees. While the act formally requires only the establishment of a reporting channel, in practice, companies will also need internal rules for handling reports and investigating potential breaches. These rules should define who in the organisation is responsible for receiving reports, how alleged violations should be investigated, what actions to take if a breach is confirmed and how whistleblowers should receive feedback of actions taken.

Further details on the legislation can be found here.