COBALT co-authored an analysis on possibilities for developing wind farms in the marine area around Hiiumaa island

2023 - 01 - 05

COBALT contributed to the preparation of an analysis of possibilities to develop wind energy in the maritime area surrounding Hiiumaa island commissioned by the Ministry of Finance.

The analysis focused on which type of spatial planning procedures would be legally possible and most reasonable to proceed with in the sea area around Hiiumaa in order to enable the construction of wind farms. The conclusion was that the most reasonable and expedient way would be to use the national designated plans, especially if the amendments to the Planning Act which are currently being processed by the Estonian Parliament (part of the draft act 696 SE) are adopted.

COBALT worked in cooperation with Artes Terrae, who carried out the spatial analysis. Our team authored the legal part of the analysis. COBALT’s team included Senior Associates Siim Vahtrus and Sandra Sillaots with the help of Assistant Lawyer Tom Suiste.

Full analysis in Estonian is available: here

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