COBALT advises DAVA Agravis Machinery Holding on acquisition of 45% of shares in Konekesko Ltd

2017 - 02 - 23

COBALT advised DAVA Agravis Machinery Holding A/S, a company of the Danish Agro a.m.b.a. group on acquisition of 45% of shares in three Baltic subsidiaries of Konekesko Oy selling agricultural machinery.

In addition to the sale and purchase of 45% of the share capital of the Baltic subsidiaries, the parties agreed on DAVA Agravis’s right to buy and Konekesko’s right to sell the rest of the subsidiaries’ shares by notifying about it no later than January 2019. Also, the parties agreed on the option of Danish Agro’s other subsidiary, Danish Agro Machinery Holding A/S, to buy and Konekesko’s option to sell Konekesko’s agricultural machinery trade functions in Finland by notifying about it no later than September 2020. The value of the transaction was approximately 21 MEUR.

From COBALT the client was advised by Partner Peeter Kutman, Specialist Counsel Jesse Kivisaari, Associates Kris Tammistu and Madis Reppo, Partner Elo Tamm and Junior Associate Mart Blöndal on competition law matters and Partner Karina Paatsi and Associate Liina Saaremets on employment law matters.

Please see the press release from here.

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