COBALT advised Ambient Sound Investments on the formation of a joint venture with Danish Autolog

2013 - 09 - 10

COBALT partner Marina Tolmatshova and associate Karl Kull advised Ambient Sound Investments and its subsidiary Oskando on the creation of a joint venture with a Dannish Autolog creating the region’s leading vehicle fleet management service provider. Oskando’s and Autolog’s shareholders established a holding company EcoFleet Holding OÜ in Estonia which became the parent company of Oskando and Autolog. The purpose of the joint venture is to strengthened product development resources and innovation, which enables it to service their clients in the Baltics and Scandinavia more efficiently. Oskando and Autolog employ 50 people and manage approximately 35,000 vehicles across the Baltics and Scandinavia.

Autolog, founded in 2006, is a leading Danish software company that operates in Denmark, Norway and Sweden, specializes in development of tracking and fleet management solutions software and applications. Oskando, founded in 1995, specializes in developing fleet management software, generating more than half of its turnover from export markets like Poland, Hungary and Slovakia.

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