Balticovo opens BOVO GAS biomethane plant

2024 - 07 - 10

Balticovo AS, a food production company, has officially opened the biomethane plant BOVO GAS in Iecava, following an investment of EUR 7 million. This pioneering facility marks the first of its kind in Latvia, capable of directly supplying biomethane into the interconnected natural gas network. It boasts a production capacity ample enough to meet the gas needs of the entire Bauska municipality.

Balticovo stands as the foremost producer of eggs and egg products across Northern Europe, committed to responsible production practices. The company annually dedicates substantial resources towards the development of sustainable, circular economy-driven solutions.

The biogas, which is a precursor to the biomethane produced at the BOVO GAS plant, originates from the chicken manure housed by Balticovo. This organic matter undergoes fermentation at the biogas facility of Balticovo’s subsidiary, Egg Energy SIA. From there, the biogas is transported to the BOVO GAS plant, where it undergoes purification to ensure it meets the stringent quality standards required for injection into the Gaso AS natural gas distribution network. Since commencement of operations in spring, the BOVO GAS plant has successfully produced and supplied 1,217,000 m³ or 12 ,300 MWh of biomethane into the natural gas system.

COBALT provided legal and regulatory assistance to Egg Energy. Senior Associate Mārtiņš Tarlaps advised on the connection of the BOVO GAS plant to the natural gas network Senior Associate Maija Tipaine advised on the purchase and installation of the biogas plant’s equipment.