` Anna Kosar | COBALT

Anna Kosar

Vecākā speciāliste / Igaunija


Anna Kosar, a Patent Attorney and Senior Associate at COBALT, has been an Estonian patent attorney in the field of trade marks, industrial designs, and geographical indications since 2012. She has been the official representative of the European Union Intellectual Property Office in the field of trade marks and industrial designs since 2015.

Anna has extensive knowledge in the field of intellectual property as well as data protection. Before joining COBALT, she worked as a patent attorney at Koitel Patent & Trademark Agency, and then as a legal counsel at a firm practicing commercial law. Anna has been engaged in legal protection related to copyright, registration of trade marks and industrial designs, and related procedures (renewals of the term of legal protection, transfers, pledges, licensing, etc.). She has also represented clients before the Estonian Industrial Property Board of Appeal, in court proceedings, before the Domain Disputes Committee, and at the European Union Intellectual Property Office in relation to trade mark disputes. In addition, she has represented clients in connection with seizure of suspected goods by the Estonian Tax and Customs Board.

In terms of data protection, Anna has been counselling clients in various business sectors since 2017. She has also acted as a data protection officer for some clients. She has also, for example, represented clients before the Estonian Data Protection Inspectorate and the Finnish Data Protection Ombudsman.

Prakses jomas

  • Leading Trademark Professional – Recommended, World Trademark Review 1000 2025


  • Estonian, English, Finnish, Russian

Dalība organizācijās un izglītība

  • Official representative of the European Union Intellectual Property Office in the field of trade marks and industrial designs (2015)
  • Estonian patent attorney (reg. no. 070) in the field of trade marks, industrial designs and geographical indications (2012)
  • Chamber of Estonian Patent Attorneys (2019)
  • Master of Arts in Social Sciences (MA), law, University of Tartu, Faculty of Law, Estonia (2010)
  • Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences (BA), law, University of Tartu, Faculty of Law, Estonia (2008)

Jūsu atzinība ir labākā motivācija

"She has spent nearly a decade serving as the official trademark and industrial designs representative of the EUIPO, and boasts an impresside track record collaborating with the Estonian Tax and Customs board on the seizure of suspected goods."
World Trademark Review 1000 2025