Akvilė Bosaitė
Akvilė Bosaitė is a Partner and Co-Head of the Banking and Finance Practice Group. She has specialised in banking, finance, investment funds, project financing, restructuring of financing, securities and M&A for over fourteen years. Akvilė Bosaitė is a recommended expert in finance law by international law firm directories. She holds a Master’s degree in Law from Vilnius University and an LL.M. from Erasmus University, Rotterdam (The Netherlands).
During her legal practice, Akvilė Bosaitė has led a number of the largest financing, investment funds, capital markets and mergers and acquisitions projects both in Lithuania and foreign jurisdictions. She acted as an adviser in numerous banking-related assignments (including lending, refinancing and loan portfolio sale), one of the few initial public offerings of equity and debt securities in Lithuania, structuring and formation of various funds (including venture, seed and UCITS) and other finance law related projects.
Prakses jomas
- Aktīvu un projektu finansēšana
- Atbilstība
- ES tiesības
- Finanšu pakalpojumu regulējums
- Finanšu tehnoloģijas
- Fondi
- Iekšējā izmeklēšana
- Ilgtspējīgi finanšu ieguldījumi
- Juridisko personu dibināšana
- Kapitāla tirgi
- Kopuzņēmumi un komerciāla sadarbība
- Korporatīvā pārvaldība
- Privātie M&A darījumi
- Riska kapitāls