` Crislyn Piirits | COBALT

Crislyn Piirits

Juriste / Igaunija


Crislyn Piirits is an Associate at COBALT Estonia. She specialises in the field of dispute resolution.

Before joining COBALT, Crislyn acquired professional experience from other leading law firms in Estonia as well as in law firm Cockey, Brennan & Maloney P.C. in the USA.

During her studies, Crislyn took part in the ICC Moot Court Competition and studied in the USA as an exchange student.

Prakses jomas



  • Estonian, English

Dalība organizācijās un izglītība

  • Estonian Bar Association (2022)
  • Master of Arts in Social Sciences, law, University of Tartu, Faculty of Law, Estonia (2021)
  • Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences, law, University of Tartu, Faculty of Law, Estonia (2019)
  • University of Salisbury, Exchange student (2018)