Dace Silava-Tomsone
Vadovaujanti partnerė / Latvija
Dace Silava–Tomsone is the Managing Partner of COBALT Latvia and one of the best known and widely recognized Real Estate and Construction, M&A and Competition experts in the country. During more than 20 years of practice she has advised many governmental institutions, local and international companies on major real estate and investment projects, transactions, as well as in intricate cartel, dominance and merger control cases.
Dace is regularly involved in work of professional organizations and legislative development acting as a member of working groups of various NGOs.
Dace is appointed a Co-Chair of the Project Execution Subcommittee of the International Construction Projects Committee of the IBA for the period of 2024-2025.
Praktikos sritys
- Konkurencijos teisė
- Atitiktis teisiniam reguliavimui
- Statyba, zonavimas ir teritorijų planavimas
- Įmonių valdymo klausimai
- Aplinkos apsauga ir gamtiniai ištekliai
- Privataus sektoriaus įmonių susijungimų ir įsigijimų sandoriai
- Nekilnojamojo turto sandoriai
- Viešieji pirkimai
- Energetika ir komunalinis sektorius
- Jungtinė veikla ir komercinis bendradarbiavimas