Cyber Incident Management Team

2024 - 08 - 08
Article by: Renata Vasiliauskienė, Dr Rimantas Simaitis, Marius Inta, Linas Kuprusevičius

The digital space where businesses conduct transactions, exchange documents, and communicate daily is highly insecure. No matter the size of an organisation, the nature of its operations, or the strength of its security measures, avoiding a cyber-attack is impossible. If malicious actors are determined to access your IT systems, they will eventually succeed. While it is common to think that “our company will be spared from all cyber threats”, the reality is unfortunately different. According to the National Cyber Security Centre, the number of cyber incidents exceeded 4000 in 2022. This is a significant number for a country like Lithuania, but bear in mind that these are only the registered incidents. The actual number of cyber incidents is likely much higher than the official figure.

We have been assisting our clients for some time on a wide range of cyber and data security incident management issues, bringing extensive experience to the table. Drawing on this experience, we have built an incident management team that is fast, experienced, and versatile. The team is led and strategically advised by Dr Rimantas Simaitis, data protection expert Renata Vasiliauskienė is responsible for regulatory/legal aspects of incident management, experienced litigator Marius Inta handles cybersecurity and related litigation matters, and criminal law specialist Linas Kuprusevičius initiates and supports the client’s side in pre-trial investigations. In addition to these four lawyers, we are supported by experienced IT partners and PR specialists, whose technical and specific knowledge allows us to offer a comprehensive package of services to clients affected by cyber-attacks. This ensures that any incident is managed from the outset by some of the best professionals in the field.

When an incident extends beyond Lithuanian borders, we promptly engage our colleagues from Latvia and Estonia, including Anna Vladimirova-Krjukova and Mirko Vavrenjuk, both of whom specialise in IT law and therefore have an excellent understanding of IT security nuances and how to integrate them with legal requirements.

If you experience or suspect an incident, please contact us immediately at or call us on +370 616 31650. We will not only assist you in organising the sequence of necessary actions, responding to counterparties’ queries, and preparing letters to authorities, but also share our practical experience to help you and your employees reduce the stress of such an uncomfortable and, most often, unpleasant situation.

Team: Renata Vasiliauskienė, Dr Rimantas Simaitis, Marius Inta, Linas Kuprusevičius