COBALT advised the shareholders of Krulli Kvartal on the sale of 100% shares to Notorious

2021 - 08 - 31

COBALT advised the shareholders of Krulli Kvartal on the sale of 100% shares to Taavet Hinrikus’ investment company Notorious. Krulli Kvartal is owned by the companies Seaside Development and MR Varahaldus.

The vision of Notorious is to invest in and improve the sustainable and unique property developments that have a broader positive impact on the growth of Estonian urban areas. „Real estate is a wider concept for us than just a building – the development of a large town area allows us to create a whole that combines flexible and innovative conditions for living and spending free time,“ said Taavet Hinrikus, owner of Notorious.

The Krulli Kvartal is situated in Põhja-Tallinn, on the border of the Kalamaja district, and on the quarter between Kopli and Volta streets and the railway, where the former Franz Krull’s Machine Building Factory and the subsequent Tallinn Machine Building Factory is located.

Our work comprised advising the shareholders of Krulli Kvartal on all aspects of the transaction. The team consisted of Partner Peeter Kutman and Assistant Lawyer Elis Toim.

Read more: HERE.


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